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I.T.C. Italian Top Class is on the web


From today, our company has opened its doors to the digital age ! Here, for you our new website, where we will introduce and talk about what we do best which is to provide a complete, reliable and quality to all of them who work in the building/construction, marble and floor treatment fields. We offer ourselves as reliable employees giving a concrete help to a distributors/dealers, masons, carpenters, tillers who daily work in the various fields.
All products are carefully tested and checked prior to delivery making sure that they are safe and efficient, all exclusively Made in Italy.
In our web site we have split all our products by field membership like construction/masonry, marble flooring, building materials, industrial products and tools. For each product you may also find the corresponding data sheet to download.
There is also a section “ NEWS” dedicated to all the most important information such as trade show and new products.
To have the upgrade on all the news post, just subscribe to our newsletter, and say good job from your supplier.